De Standaard, Belgium’s paper of record, writes up Google Earth (in Dutch). After namechecking Ogle Earth (wees welkom, landgenoten!), the article points to GeoBrussel, a new service by Brusselnieuws, a Dutch-language local news portal for Belgium’s capital.
GeoBrussel is the best implementation I’ve seen to date of a city-focused service for Google Earth. It’s in Dutch, so I’ll annotate and link directly to the KMZ file… The site comprises a large collection of useful network links, including a virtual helicopter ride over Brussels landmarks; An overlay of Brussels in 1858; the location of all speeding cameras (guaranteed to be a popular download); and Brussels’ subway system.
But the best network link by far (and the one that would gain most from an English version) is the one that puts Brussels’ trendiest bars and restaurants onto Google Earth. These placemarks link to the latest reviews (and are automatically updated). Every city should have one of these, because deciding on a place to eat is one of the most ubiquitous location-sensitive activities the urban dweller performs. (Previously, Ogle Earth reported on similar services in Cape Town and Stockholm, and why they make good business sense.)
Less successful perhaps is the weekly news roundup: It’s a static file, and I like my news fresh. For news, where is nice, but when is more important. Integrating support for live updating will probably require some retooling of the reporting and editing process, however. It’s time to hand journalists GPS trackers, obviously.