Excuse the interruption of coverage on Ogle Earth, despite there being obvious virtual globe news to report, but things can get a little hectic over at the Swedish Institute. Yesterday we launched Linnaeus300.com, a site that uses Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus’ 300th birthday as an excuse to bring science into the classrooms — one question a week meant to elicit discussions and feedback. (Pardon the Flash — I know it needs to go). I played my part by organizing a little side-meeting of Swedish science bloggers, getting them to agree that setting up a kind of Planet GS but for science (in Swedish) would be a good idea. James Fee, I need to talk to you:-)
And then I’m partly to blame for this:
Sweden to set up embassy in Second Life
Sweden is to become the first country to establish diplomatic representation in the virtual reality world of Second Life, officials said.
“We are planning to establish a Swedish embassy in Second Life primarily as an information portal for Sweden,” Swedish Institute (SI) director Olle Wästberg told AFP.
I’ll be project-managing that particular effort. The plan wasn’t to announce first and produce later, but that was before the Swedish media got hold of the story. At least in the worst-case scenario, we’ll have been the first to announce an intention to have a government presence in Second Life:-).
And now I’m in Berlin for the weekend, which also puts a serious damper on blog productivity. But stay tuned.