There is some excellent stuff in this post:
- Via Ogle Earth’s comments, woowoowoo‘s most excellent, must-have javascript bookmark that will send you from Google Maps to the equivalent view in Google Earth, using Barry’s Hunter’s hack. (Don’t forget to click on “Link to this page” first.)
- Richard Treves of Kokae Screencasts writes in to let us know that he’s completed his series of 10 QuickTime video tutorials for Google Earth (released under a Creative Commons licence). The most recent onces aren’t just for beginners anymore. Richard ventures into topics such as how to make clear and informative Google Earth maps. It’s a great free tutorial/primer.
- MSNBC visits University of Southern California’s GeoDec live 3D visualization and decision-making project. Think of it as a Google Earth with live security camera video painted onto it. Here is the homepage of GeoDec, which turns out to be sponsored by Google as well as Microsoft. (The MSNBC video demo requires proprietary Microsoft software — I though this was 2006? Watch this instead — wait for the wow moment in the middle of the video. More demos here.)
- eWeek writes about “ground ads”.
- Google Earth Community makes some of its feeds easier to add to Google Reader and Google Home Page.
- The Google Sightseeing site redesign looks great, BTW. And it now comes with matching widget for Mac OS X.
- “Hi Stefan, Great blog!! I’m not sure what your position is on advertising in Google Earth but we built this branded model of the Pearl Tower in Shanghai as part of our promotion of Mission: Impossible III. Hope you like it! Sam @ Hyperhappen“