Wayfinder Earth?

Gadget blog I4U News posts screenshots and links to a video of what looks like a virtual globe application on a mobile phone. Video accessibility was spotty so I uploaded it to YouTube:

I4U speculates the images may be of Wayfinder Earth, a new service (“earth in motion”) that is set to launch 12:00 noon CET on May 2, the day after May Day in Europe. A quick WHOIS check confirms the service is by Wayfinder, a Swedish company that specializes in GPS and maps for mobile phones.

Note on the video: It shows a very smooth zoom in from afar into London, then back out and into Tokyo. The video isn’t clear enough to be sure, but it appears that there are two “levels” of mapping: One that shows a globe, and then — when you zoom in closer — a 2D map. There is no demo of a tilt view, nor can you tell if there is height information present.

Impressive, whether or not it’s made in Sweden:-)

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