GPSVisualizer: GPS => KML

Not sure if it’s old, but it certainly is new to me. Adam Schneider’s GPS Visualizer is a web app that converts GPS data files to KML but it comes with oodles of parameters that you can set. Definitely worth checking out in case it solves your needs. (Via GPS Blog.)

2 thoughts on “GPSVisualizer: GPS => KML”

  1. As Frank said, it is indeed fairly new. In the works at the moment is a way to streamline the creation of USGS topo or aerial photos to go with your tracks. For example:

    I still have to think about the best way to do it, though; one of the issues is, do I want to download the images to my server and zip them up in a nice .kmz file for you, or should I just create a simple .kml with a link to the USGS graphic; the problem with the latter approach is that GE seems to be bit flaky about linked remote images.

    Also, should there be an option on the map input form to include an overlay, or do I present you with some overlay options after the data file has been created? (There are advantages to the latter.)

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