
MeHere, by Glenn Murphy, is an especially refined-looking entry in the live-tracking software subgenre.

MeHere is a PC app that gets input from a GPS device and serves it from the localhost in a variety of formats that other apps can then use to display your location in realtime. It works for Google Earth but also a whole range of mapping sites with Greasemonkey. Several scripts are already available, but anyone can make their own.

In Google Earth, each GPS device can be tracked simply by creating a network link that refers to the KML file published by MeHere. Many devices can thus be tracked simultaneously.

There is also a forum for help. This piece of free software looks very simple and developer friendly, which should greatly aid its adoption throughout the Web 2.0.

One thought on “MeHere”

  1. Huhu – hier bin ich.

    Als eine der spannendsten zuk√∫nftigen L√∂sung f√∫r Google Earth erwarte ich individuelle GPS L√∂sungen, mit denen jeder seinen Senf in GE bereitstellen k√∂nnte. Was genau auf uns zukommt weiss ich auch nicht, aber aus den Diskussionen und den Blogs …

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