Not much of a shopper myself, I completely missed Google’s own Froogle + Maps official mashup that launched last week: Froogle Local.
Here’s Froogle Local in action, looking for iPod nanos in the East Village, sorted by distance.
Usually when I see something web 2.0-ish, I’ll hunt down the Google Earth angle (I run this blog, see) so I was a little bit disappointed not to find a dynamically generated KML network link at the bottom of my search results directing me to Google Earth, where iPod nanos would then appear (automatically generated logos would be nice) whereever they are sold, whenever I pause my view, in the manner of the cooler network links currently out there.
Froogle Local would also work well as one of the search options inside Google Earth, so that you can circumvent the browser for that part. Currently, though, this is a missing bit of synergy from Google’s products, and I assume it’s because nobody can do everything all at once.