Category Archives: Uncategorized

Keyhole co-founder disses Skyline suit

There is an absolutely fascinating post on Avi Bar-Ze’ev blog, Brownian Emotion. Avi, it turns out, was one of the co-founders of Keyhole, and one of the first software developers to work on what would become Google Earth. In his post, he is remarkably candid about the Skyline patent infringement suit against Google:

… [I]f their patent is so clever and Keyhole had actually copied any techniques, wouldn’t you expect Google Earth to perform as poorly (IMHO) as Skyline’s own software?

Ouch. (He goes on to call the suit “a mistake at best”.)

Avi’s expansive post covers some other interesting topics related to Keyhole’s early days. Here he talks about the deep internals of Google Earth:

People don’t often realize, but a lot of the ideas about geo-targeted advertising and dynamic content were planned out from the beginning. We deliberately built a 3D search engine inside the app, from day one, to sift through just about any kind of spatialized data with minimal overhead. In truth, GE is only superficially an “earth browser.” It’s actually very similar to Google’s massive search engine servers, but using spatial queries instead of keywords, with as much of the code and data residing on your computer as necessary to ensure the best interactive response. I imagine that’s the main reason Google bought the company, apart from the cool visuals.

Read Avi’s full post — there are many more such nuggets. (Standard web disclaimer: I don’t know Avi so can’t vouch for him, but Googling him brings up authoritative sites that lend plenty of credence to what he writes.)

Easter eggs: Free trial of Arc2Earth; Updates for Shape2Earth beta, GE-Path

It would seem that some people were busy programming over the Easter holidays:

  • Brian Flood and his team have released a trial version of Arc2Earth, the pro application for turning ESRI ArcGIS-authored content into KML. No more excuses!
  • Tim Beerman, meanwhile, is up to Beta2 for Shape2Earth, an open source GIS shapefile to KML converter. I don’t know if there are more beta testing spots available, but you can try via here.
  • Also just updated: R.S.Grillo’s GE-Path, a free windows application that enhances paths made in Google Earth. (Note that installation is not straightforward.) Check out GE-Graph too, while you’re there.

Watch ice melt with Google Earth

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado Boulder has begun experimenting with KML as an alternate means of visually depicting data for their State of the Cryosphere (“Where the world is frozen”). The KMZ file is officially in beta, but is already a beautiful piece of work. It contains:

The placemarks contain thumbnails that link to a database of amazing historical photographs of the glaciers, dating back all the way to 1896. You can even request extremely high-resolution TIFFs of some of these and they are freely usable if properly cited. (Unfortunately, a bug prevents image hyperlinking in the Mac (beta) Google Earth client, so Mac users need to get the images manually.) Here is a deep link to whet your appetite — the Forno glacier in 1896:


A subset of these placemarks contains paired images — one old and one new, taken from the exact same vantage point — so that you can see how far the glacier has receded in the intervening decades:


(Here are these pairs on the web, rather than on Google Earth.)

The big picture: If you’re a scientific research institute sitting on georeferenced content, converting it to KML and releasing it onto the web easily constitutes the biggest bang for your outreach buck.

Monday briefing: Avian flu, IGC to KML converter

AECnews previews COFES 2006

This upcoming week is COFES 2006 (Congress On the Future of Engineering Software), in Arizona. It’s the first one since the release of Google Earth, and‘s Randall S. Newton writes he will be looking at how conference attendees are adapting. The next buzzword for AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) pros, according to Randall is “location-based simulation”, because Google Earth now makes it so easy to share 3D work.

But that’s just scratching the surface of Randall’s article. There is far more there worth reading.