3D Route Builder goes 1.0

Back in September, Ogle Earth linked to the beta of 3D Route Builder for Windows. Version 1.0 has now been released. What does it do? Developer Nick Kopp explains:

It now offers accurate building and editing of GPX, KML/KMZ and Garmin TCX routes directly in Google Earth in terms of location, altitude and time. Time can be shifted and scaled. Altitude can be smoothed and updated producing quality profiles. A powerful new feature is correction of barometric drift. Playback routes in real-time and optionally with absolute altitude so tunnels, bridges, cable car rides and flights are more realistic.

Two things stood out for me: One is the deft embedding of Google Earth proper into the application — it becomes the canvas onto which routes can be manipulated in real time using the app’s ample controls.


Click to enlarge

Second is an innovative two-tier revenue model — either use the free version, which shows Google ads in a popup control window when “touring” your routes, or else pay ‚Ǩ20 to remove the ads and also get some additional functionality. R ead more on Nick’s thinking behind this revenue model on his blog. (I have no idea whether such a use of Adsense is kosher, but I’m sure we’ll find out:-)

It’s pretty clear Nick is a perfectionist, for whom even the latest GPS devices are simply not accurate enough:-) Hence this tool, which really gives you pinpoint precision control over every element (or range of elements) in a route.

2 thoughts on “3D Route Builder goes 1.0”

  1. Yea… very interesting. Especially the embedding (how it’s done? is GE really embeded or just controlled from the app?) and displaying ads.

    And how it doesn’t break GE and Adsense ToS (“No AdSense code may be integrated into a software application.”)… or does it? ;)

  2. GE can be optionally embedded in 3D Route Builder – it does this by using Windows handles. It’s often discussed on the GE forums.

    The AdSense is not integrated into the application – it’s just a browser that points to pages on the Hybrid GeoTools website. The pages to show are accessed via a web service, so any pages can be removed or added at any time.

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