iPhotoToGoogleEarth is out of beta. Writes author Craig Stanton, “No fancy new features just bug fixes that have been pointed out by a few users, like avoiding files which aren’t jpegs, and dealing with ones that have funny characters in their names.”
If the case of Google Earth’s aging dataset for the Canary Islands still has you in its thrall, Global Voices has a post that samples a wide range of original commentary translated from Spanish. Was it a conspiracy? Nah…
Of interest to Belgians: belgeoblog continues to post excellent local content — an overlay of an old map of the completely destroyed “revamped” northern quarter (post in Dutch), and an overlay showing that King Leopold II was not just genocidal, he was also a real estate hog (post in Dutch).
Notes on the political, social and scientific impact of networked digital maps and geospatial imagery, with a special focus on Google Earth.