On Friday, French President Jacques Chirac will inaugurate Géoportail, the much-hyped (in France) response to Google Earth. So maintains
Pipilogue Pipologue, which together with another blogger was able to sneak in and post some screenshots.
All those screenshots show is a Google Maps clone. If that is the full product being launched tomorrow, I will be very underwhelmed, and Géoportail will have been quite the PR stunt. Other European countries have long had web-based high-resolution national mapping and imagery services — one fine example is the Swiss; the Swedes have at least two free ones. And all these are commercial ventures, not requiring a head of state to launch; France’s Géoportail is produced by the Institut Géographique National (IGN), a state entity.
IGN, meanwhile, has come in for some strong criticism in an article (in French) on a French GIS news site (Thanks, Declan!). Apparently, Géoportail is still being developed in an ongoing state of confusion about its intended goals — notably, there is still no agreement among different steering committees about how much data should be made free. All this is providing grist for a good old-fashioned turf war, reports the article.
AFP confirms the launch for Friday (minus the Chirac tidbit). Look for it at www.geoportail.fr. I won’t be able to, as I am soon off to an island in the Baltic, celebrating the national holiday of the summer solstice on Friday June 23 with lots of Swedes. In case you’re wondering, Swedes prefer 3-day weekends over pinpoint astronomical accuracy — druids everywhere are appalled.
Previous articles about Géoportail on Ogle Earth
I’m curious…since when does the summer solstice take place on the 23rd?? ;0)
p.i.p.o.l.o.g.u.e ;) Not p.i.p.i…, not really the same word in french, it’s rude.
Sorry, it’s Pippi Longstocking season in Sweden.
Shame. The site was launched this morning and you still can’t see anything. (Paris 19:05 pm)
Thanks for the link, my name is ok don’t worry :-)
The site http://www.geoportail.fr does not seem to work. Perhaps this is a French gag?
it is rude for american to see they are exeeded by french, but don’t worry, you still can catch up with us.
ps: la france reste un pays de rang