Pakistan update

Google Earth Community announces that new high-resolution imagery of Pakistan has been added to Google Earth’s database:

(October 14th) Google Earth is now hosting updated Pakistan earthquake-area imagery for rescue workers and concerned families. See the latest satellite data from our partner Digital Globe in the Baffa and Mansehra areas and locations near Islamabad and Rawalpindi by clicking on these links. These data-indexing placemarks will help you explore and understand the area of the recent, tragic earthquakes. Click on the dot closest to your area of concern and then click in the pop-up balloon to download an image of that area. Remember to close older images when opening new ones.

3 thoughts on “Pakistan update”

  1. Google Earth: Pakistan Earthquake Update

    Ogle Earth: Pakistan update has notified me of the new Google Earth Database of hi-res images taken after the Earthquake in Pakistan.

    Download the .kmz network links, here and here then click a red dot.

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