The great catch-up

New uses & tools

Sportsim integrates ESRI ArcWeb with Google Earth. James Fee likes it.

Flyr. Search flickr for geotagged photos and display them in Google Earth (or Maps).

A trucker finds Google Earth very useful for his work.

Google Earth Art

Anyone found the giant pink bunny yet in Google Earth?

Art Tracking Module 002

Hurricane Rita

A digest of overlays at Google Earth Community.

A very informative overlay by Ivo Janssen.

Interesting articles

Geobloggers: Location Based geoSpam and geoAdvertising

Xeni Jardin in Wired: CNN Hacks New TV Technology¨Ü

It’s not just CNN: Dutch NOS TV news also uses Google Earth [Dutch].

Kathryn Cramer: Deploying Google Earth Toward a New Relationship with History: The Case of Hiroshima

Remember how Luca Mori discovered a Roman villa using Google Maps? NASA wants a piece of the PR action too. On September 29, The location of Homer’s home island Ithaca will be announced, having apparently been found with NASA’s World Wind, says this breathless press release.


Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) is planning to hold its first online convention (and trade show) from October 1 to December 31. One of the speakers will be Jack Dangermond, head of ESRI. (I’m not sure how that works.)

Call for papers for the Virtual Globes Session at the Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, March 7-11, 2006, Chicago, Illinois.

GeoWeb 2006, Vancouver, Canada July 24 ÇƒÏ July 28, 2006.

One thought on “The great catch-up”

  1. Kurzer Review der letzten 14 Tage

    Massig, was in den letzten 14 Tagen liegen blieb, z.B.:

    Via Google Earth Blog ein Hinweis auf den neuen Service Placeopedia, mit dem Artikel aus Wikipedia in Google Earth passend zur regionalen Ansicht gefunden werden können:

    “Even more imp…

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