Links: Hasselblad2KML, OZ house numbers, Xplage, Google Sky orrery

  • My new object of lust? The Hasselblad H3D DSLR: 39 megapixels for 26.5 kiloeuros (USD$37,500) in a full-frame medium format camera. Obviously, it comes with integrated GPS and the ability to export the data as KML. Alas, it will remain the stuff of dreams.


  • House numbers down under: Michael Smalley notices that streets in Australian cities get house numbers. Only in Maps (not hybrid) and not (yet?) in Google Earth.


  • Xplage: “Convert X-Plane [flight simulator] datagrams to Google Earth ‘moving map’ displays.” For Mac and Linux…
  • Google Sky orrery: adds a virtual orrery as a screen overlay to Google Earth, so you see the relative positions of the planets as they orbit the sun corresponding to the view from Earth at a given time.
  • Superoverlay 2.0 Beta: Valery Hronusov’s Superoverlay application for making Super-Overlays reaches version 2.0 beta.
  • North Korea watched: Here is a gem, found while trawling through the internets for georeferenced human rights material: North Korea Uncovered, “The most authoritative, publicly available map of North Korea on Google Earth”. Check out the high-resolution overlays for some of the prison camps. By North Korean Economy Watch.
  • 3D UI alert: CrunchGear has a video preview of XTreme Reality 3D, as-yet unreleased software that lets you use hand gestures in front of your webcam to control applications, including Google Earth. It’s like Atlas Gloves, blogged last year, but without the need to to use lights, as the object recognition algorithm seems to have gotten better in the meantime. (Thanks Johnathan!)
  • EditGrid collaboration: Another way to engage in collaborative mapmaking: Using the access controls of online spreadsheet applications and then converting the contents of a spreadsheet to KML. Here’s an example of how it’s been done using EditGrid to map POIs in Croatia.

One thought on “Links: Hasselblad2KML, OZ house numbers, Xplage, Google Sky orrery”

  1. It’s always nice to see that someone else in the world is dreaming about having something I would love to have too. That Hasselblad makes my head spin!

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