Is there a market for neogeography jobs?

Is there a market for neogeography jobs? The question came up just a few days ago between a friend and I when she lamented the lack of an obvious clearing house for jobs that aren’t of the traditional GIS variety — where you’d enlist people to build a mashup, for example, or turn a database into a KML file, or build a 3D Collada model for Google Earth, or build a KML template for a CMS.

These jobs are more often project-based, and aren’t necessarily fixed to a specific location as they tend to be delivered via the internet… But are there enough of them to create a market?

Let’s find out. Enter Ogle Earth’s NeoGeo Jobs, a job board powered by Simply Hired‘s Job-a-matic, which also runs GigaOM’s job board and that of O’Reilly’s


It works like this. If you have a neogeo job that needs doing, you can post it for two weeks at a dollar a day. I’ve set the price far lower than on any other job board, as I’m more interested in seeing if this takes off. (On the other hand, paying something deters spam posts.) Job-a-matic takes half of the revenues in any case:-)

The most recently posted jobs appear in the sidebar of every page of this blog, and there is also an RSS feed of new jobs. At the bottom of the RSS versions of Ogle Earth stories there is a link to the jobs listings page. Furthermore, the jobs enter Simply Hired’s database, so they also get shown on MySpace, FaceBook, etc…

Is Job-a-matic perfect? No. It currently only accepts US credit cards (Doh! They’re working on making it international, they say) and it is skewed towards the types of jobs that are place-specific and permanent, though that doesn’t prevent us from ignoring those quirks.

In the plus column, however, NeoGeo Jobs is already topped up with GIS jobs from Simply Hired’s database, so go have a look, just in case:-)

3 thoughts on “Is there a market for neogeography jobs?”

  1. Curiously… no GeoRSS in the syndication feed? It would be great to include GeoRSS and even Geonames extensions to the RSS to allow people to filter for jobs in an area.

  2. That’s a great idea, and all job boards should have it. But I don’t think Job-a-matic is going to become geospatially savvy just because we’re using for neogeography jobs:-)

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