Over at Infectuous Greed, a commenter leaves the observation that most of the Web 2.0 services, and specifically mashups, lack stickiness: “I cannot think of one mashup that I have used beyond that initial curiosity phase.”
The blog’s owner, Paul Kedrosky, agrees, but does not think this dooms the Web 2.0 idea (though he is mum as to why).
Quite possibly, this is merely a case of our collective imagination needing to catch up with the possibilities made available by new technology. But it is an interesting contrast to Google Earth, where all the anecdotal evidence (and blogs are nothing if not that) points to a strong and growing addiction among users. Google Earth is generating blockbuster video-game levels of usage. Sure, it’s immersive, but that’s not the main reason, I think. Rather, it’s because Google Earth is an enhanced browser, not an application in a browser — it’s a platform to publish to, not something that is published to a platform.
The analogy holds up well when comparing Google Earth to the traditional browser: Although our interest might flit from site to site using a traditional HTML browser, we still use a browser all the time. Google Earth is slipping into its browser role nicely — National Geographic last week, ants this week… Whatever it is next week, We’ll use Google Earth to show us. That’s stickiness.
The problem is, has been, and always will be: data. If you don’t have some useful data that people really want access to, then all you are doing is a technology demo.
We just re-built our advanced property search tool using Google Maps (a mashup if that’s what you want to call it.) I think it does a good job of showing what’s possible when you pairup a very functional and intuitive map interface, with meaningful information.
Check it out: http://www.portlandmaps.com/advanced.cfm
Of course, if you’re not from Portland… then this will fall back into the category of “technology demo.” =o)
To say mashups lack stickiness is very generalized. As tech geeks, we hear about them but we are not always the targeted users.
I’m mapping video blogs and it has become quite popular among the vlogger community. Web 2.0 will thrive in niche markets.
Stickiness of Google Earth Questioned
Stefan at Oogle Earth wonders about the ÏstickinessÓ of Google Earth. He points to one blog where a commentator says that after a Ïcuriosity factorÓ look at mash ups, he does not return. At this Ïwow geeÓ early adopter phase, thatÌs understandable. I use
I’ve talked to Chicago residents who use my chicagocrime.org site several times a week. Phillip (above) is right: It’s all about the data.