Shorter news

>Via Google Maps Mania, I am here!, a web app that lets you send an email with a dynamically produced KML placemark for any given latitude and longitude. Great if you’re travelling and don’t have Google Earth handy. And wouldn’t it be cool if positioning-enabled mobile phones had the ability to do this?

>Juice Analytics launches Absolutely Google Earth: “Our goal is to make this a great resource for anyone interested in looking for ways to make Google Earth Mash-ups and analytical tools.”

>Tim Beerman has an interesting read on his blog Interactive Earth about using Google Earth as an emergency response viewer. He’s also got plans for more complicated projects involving Google Earth, and promises to blog soon about “some work I have been involved with at the US Air Force Academy with automated vehicle location (AVL) and and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with streaming video into ArcMap and Google Earth.”

>An article from a recent issue of India’s RealPolitik magazine berates India’s leadership for their response to Google Earth. Most of the ground has been covered, but the following was new to me:

Indian civil society is already using data from Google Earth for positive purposes. Former MP from Mumbai, Kirit Somaiya, said: “For me, Google Earth made possible the study of the Mithi river, which was responsible for the deaths of more than 600 people during the devastating rain and floods in Mumbai last July… I could prove to society and the government that unplanned development and encroachment along the river banks were the root cause of the disaster… It is a fact that no governmental agency has a map of the course of the Mithi river at all. For in all official records, this river does not even exist…”